Info on Dr. John P. Haisken-DeNew Work Life:
- I am very much interested in labor economics, migration and the econmics of well-being. - I sometimes give an economics course at the University of Bochum. - I am the author of PanelWhiz, a Stata tool for using panel data sets.
- 1. League, my favourites are the Berliner Eisbaeren - 2. League, i watch the Moskitos Essen, our local team. Australia Rules Football: Bone-crunching fun done the Australian way... - AFL Australia: Australia, St.Kilda (Melbourne) - AFL Canada: Canada, Ontario, Hamilton, Central Blues Toronto - AFL Germany: Germany, Duesseldorf, Berlin
- Bands I currently like: CYHSY, Bloc Party, Maximo Park and Keane. - Classical authors I like: Hugo, Dumas, Tolstoy, available at - Victor Hugo's Les Miserables has some excellent quotes. - Internet Radio: CFNY, Mix 99.9, CBC, NHL, AHL, BBC. Not responsible for any links outside this site. |